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- Apr 32:00 PMFaculty Development Workshop: Preparing for PromotionIn preparation for promotion, we encourage faculty to begin keeping Clinical and Teaching Portfolios to review annually with their Chairman. This workshop will assist with the development of both the
- Apr 43:00 PM2025 Annual Dr. Aaron I. Grollman Visiting Professorship in Basic SciencesMaria Glymour, SD, Chair and Professor of the Department of Epidemiology at Boston University. presents \"Evidence Triangulation in Dementia Research.\"
- Apr 711:00 AMDepartment of Pharmacology and Physiology Cancer-Neuroscience Seminar SeriesTOPIC: “MECHANISMS DRIVING BREAST CANCER BRAIN METASTASES IN THE YOUNG AND OLD TUMOR MICROENVIRONMENT.” SPEAKER: Diana Cittelly, PhD
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- Apr 143:30 PMShock, Trauma, and Anesthesiology Research SeminarDr. Yang Yang, PhD Present:“SCN2A related autism and epilepsy: from mouse and hiPSC models to genetic medicine”
- Apr 159:00 AMNIH Basics: Understanding Grant Mechanisms, Funding Announcements, and using NIH RePORTERThis session will provide an overview of the NIH grants process, as well as, helpful resources for early stage faculty not familiar with NIH funding.