More from School of Medicine
- Mar 2411:00 AMDepartment of Pharmacology and Physiology Cancer-Neuroscience Seminar SeriesTOPIC: “A BRAIN-BODY FEEDBACK LOOP DRIVING HPA-AXIS DYSFUNCTION IN BREAST CANCER.” SPEAKER: Dr. Jeremy C. Borniger, PhD
- Mar 259:00 AMProject ManagementThis session will discuss essential techniques for successfully managing research projects and your role as a research program/team leader.
- Mar 278:00 AMMaryland Tobacco Control Resource Center 19th Annual Best Practices ConferenceJoin us for our 19th Annual Best Practices Conference. This conference will focus on all the latest tobacco health practices and latest tobacco news.
- Mar 279:00 AMBenefits of Serving as an NIH ReviewerThis 30-minute session will introduce attendees to the role of an NIH reviewer and how to identify review opportunities, including the NIH Early Career Reviewer (ECR) Program.
- Apr 19:00 AMUMSOM's BioMet Hosts to Expert to Discuss Parkinson'sTOPIC: Mitophagy Across Scales, from Man and Parkinson’s Disease to Individual Mitochondrial Protein Import Channels | SPEAKER: Richard James Youle, PhD, NINDS, NIH
- Apr 39:00 AMCommon Strategies in Scientific WritingThis seminar focuses on common strategies in writing scientific research papers with a primary emphasis on organization and sentence structure.