Wednesday, April 30, 2025
- 8:30 AM9h 45mSchool of Pharmacy Research DayResearch Day at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy provides an open forum for scientific exchange and interactive communication among students, postdoctoral fellows, and faculty.
- 10:30 AM2hFaculty Development Workshop: Preparing for PromotionIn preparation for promotion, we encourage faculty to begin keeping Clinical and Teaching Portfolios to review annually with their Chairman. This workshop will assist with the development of both the
- 11:00 AM8hJust Research: Promises and Pitfalls (tentative)Daylong focus on research from a social justice perspective. With smaller and plenary discussion and interactive events. Most will be open to all campus.
- 2:00 PM3hBreaking the Habit in Behavioral Health (BH2) TrainingTraining for clinicians to assist mental health & substance abuse clients with tobacco treatment.