Tuesday, February 11, 2025
- 11:00 AM2hWeWant to learn more about UMB\'s biosafety program? Join EHS to meet the university\'s Biosafety Officer and test how good you are at taking off your lab gloves without contaminating yourself!
- 12:00 PM1hWhat Makes a Relationship WorkBased on Gottman\'s research and methods, Mr. Cortina of the UMB Student Counseling Center will walk students through core concepts and components of building and maintaining healthy relationships.
- 12:00 PM1h“Use of Real-World Data for Epidemiologic, Comparative Effectiveness, & Health Equity Research: Leveraging the OptumLabs® Data Warehouse”\"Discussion synopsis: In this Enrichment Seminar, Dr. McCoy will introduce OptumLabs® Data Warehouse (OLDW), a new big data resource that is available (with funding) to University of Maryland Balt...\"
- 4:00 PM1hMS in Regulatory Science Virtual Information SessionMeet with the Regulatory Science program director and faculty to discuss the master\'s and graduate certificate program.
- 5:30 PM1h 30mWeightlifting 101: Pull MovementsA free program that will teach all participants proper weightlifting form.