Tuesday, January 21, 2025
- 9:00 AM1hNegotiation SkillsThis session will provide tips for negotiating for protected time, resources, etc. as an early-stage faculty member.
- 9:00 AM7hMental Health First Aid SurveyAre you a trained Mental Health First Aider? Take a brief survey about your experience and enter to win a $20 Starbucks gift card. Survey will be open January 21, 2025 to February 14, 2025.
- 11:00 AM1hCANCELED: Department of Neurobiology Seminar SeriesCANCELED: “Craving, Choices, and Confidence: Understanding How Self-Awareness Moderates Affective and Motivational Effects on Behavior\"
- 12:45 PM1hCommunity- Academy Partnerships in Times of Crisis To Pull Up: A Resilience-Focused Photovoice“To Pull Up” is a collaboration with survivors of 10.7 Hamas invasion of Kibbutz Be’eri. This photovoice project acknowledged trauma and documented strength in 68 photos of coping, memory, and hope.
- 7:00 PM10d 2h 30mGroup Exercise Spring 2025 Schedule BeginsGroup Exercise at URecFit and Wellness incorporates many formats to meet all of your fitness needs