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- Activate nearest fire alarm pull station
- Evacuate using the nearest emergency exit
- Call 911 when you get to a safe location
- Quickly evacuate the premises if safe to do so
- If evacuation not possible: quickly proceed to room that can be locked or barricaded
- Turn off lights; close blinds; barricade door; silence cell phone; keep out of sight; await instructions from authorities
- Call 911, if possible
- Learn more about active assailant preparedness at UMB.
- Call 911
- Provide information on the location and condition of the person(s)
- Send someone to the building entrance to assist emergency responders in locating the person(s)
- If trained, provide First Aid and/or CPR
- If you encounter a suspicious package, do not handle it
- Leave immediate area; do not evacuate building
- Call 911
- Isolate the spill by closing doors
- Move to a safe location
- If there is a risk of fire or explosion, activate the nearest fire alarm pull station and evacuate
- Call 911
- If you receive a bomb threat: do not hang up, and remain calm
- Try to prolong the conversation and get as much information as possible
- Call 911
- Avoid windows or wide open spaces, such as auditoriums
- Move to an interior hallway, ideally on the lowest level
- Take shelter under a sturdy table or desk
- Cover head with arms
- Evacuate using the nearest emergency exit
- Do not use elevators
- Individuals requiring evacuation assistance should go to the area of rescue assistance
- Always follow instructions from emergency wardens and emergency response officials
- Do not re-enter the building until the official “all clear” is given by emergency responders
- Drop, Cover, and Hold On under a desk or table or against an inside wall until shaking stops
- Do not evacuate or re-enter a building unless instructed to do so by authorities
- If inside: if possible, move to an interior room with a lockable door; if situation necessitates, barricade door
- If outside: avoid large groups of people and/or demonstrations, don’t seek refuge in places likely to be looted, seek safe shelter immediately
- Monitor UMB Alerts for situational updates
- Remain sheltered-in-place until order is lifted by Public Safety